And the Academy goes to: The Media!

And the Academy goes to: The Media!

I am undecided. I am leaning toward one candidate yes- though still undecided.

On Friday I had the pleasure of watching Senator Clinton speak to roughly 1000 people. As I was sitting in the second row, I was able to film the entire speech. (Yes, I am always working.)

I will be the first to admit Obama wins in the “inspire-off” contest. Senator Clinton wins hands-down in the knowledge competition. She took questions from the crowd and had statistics and facts galore. She even had some funny things to say to the crowd when answering questions.

We want her to be funny don’t we? The American people like funny.

What she is ? Intellectual. Smart. Direct. Erudite. Each of her answers was backed in fact and explanation.

What I read on the front page of the Chronicle did not at all describe the event I attended. Why does the Media hate Hillary Clinton? They wrote about her ignoring the Code Pink protesters. She did not ignore them. They were BEHIND her and she didn’t see them. When they were on the side and started chanting End the War, she said, “Yes, I agree, we must end the war.” 

Additionally, she made a joke (she is doing that more often now) about her humorous quip about her husband.  An audience member asked her what role her husband would play in the Whitehouse.  She said she would continue the longstanding tradition of using past presidents in roles of diplomacy. 

The Chronicle made it sound like her entire plan was to use her husband in the Whitehouse.  Thank god for YouTube and blogging to set the record straight.

She did a fantastic job taking questions from the crowd.. even the venture capitalist specializing in medical innovation who was worried about universal health care destroying medicine and the economy. Clinton was on point and smart.

Roughly 9% of humans LOVE this style of speaking. LOVE LOVE LOVE it. Policy wonks they call them. I am worried. Senator Clinton may be the best person for the job… She will not get elected if she can not inspire the audience.

91% of audiences make their decisions on the success of a talk.. of a person.. by the level of goosebumps they receive. The problem in politics is most of the people coaching the candidates are in the 9%.. they just do not get it.

I am in the 9%.  I realize though that most of of us want the goosebumps.  Okay, I want the goosebumps too.  I started crying as soon as Forest Gump started running.  Still tear up just thinking about it.

Policy + Personal Connection + Inspiration = Voter Adhesion. 

Do the math.   🙂


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