I take it back – e-mail is effective

I take it back – e-mail is effective

Heh. I love when the stale taste in my mouth is my words be re-eaten with a new opinion. I often say things about e-mail… never express concern by e-mail and how a handwritten card means so much to people now ‘cuz we don’t usually get them.

How handwritten cards mean more than e-mails.

Yum. I take it back. I received this e-mail last week from a woman I admire… a woman I hold on such a pedestal as she always goes that extra few inches to make sure folks feel cared about. This e-mail is priceless and suitable for framing. The message in it – though for me- STRONGLY for me especially the part about (my desire) to have resilience rather than bitterness – just might have a message in there for you.

I guess I am posting it here to remind me to write more e-mails – these kind.
Thank you J~~!

Her e-mail::
I was sitting at the Sonoma Mission Inn pool, with my fluffy robe nearby, my book and journal on my comfy lounge chair, letting the sun and pampering and massage magically disolve a few crazy days that included my car being broken into with the seats slashed and cigarette butts everywhere.

I was looking for a little R&R + inspiration – so I was reading Oprah when I came across a quote that moved me so much I copied it into my journal

Regret will leave you tougher + more tender

You get to decide whether you toughness will look like

unreachable bitterness,

or unstoppable resilience;

your tenderness the raw vulnerability of a never healing wound, or

a kindness so deep it heals every wound it touches

You decide which.

I’ve been meditating on the quote for the last week – the unstoppable resilience – that part made sense to me. I know I have the ability to pick up the pieces and keep moving.

But the healing every wound – I’ve been thinking – what is that, what would that look like, how do you get there. Maybe your work resonates so much with me because I too have a lot of those stories – the moments when life turned in an instant – the ones that can raise my emotional thermometer with just a flash of memory.

As I was in my car last night heading home I realized that you gave the example – the power of your stories, the personal ones, the ones that evoke tears not just in you but in all of us – by telling them you turn them into healing power. That is why when I listen to you speak I feel like I can somehow relax into a bit more of myself – somehow magically that it is OK. Everything is a bit more OK.

Thank you!


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